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Why it’s Important to Obtain Remodeling Permits

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If you’ve completed any remodeling projects on your Maryland property, you might know that permits are required for almost everything. You might also know that obtaining a permit costs money and time—the two things you can’t afford to waste during a major home renovation. That’s why some homeowners (and some shady contractors) choose to skip […]

5 Questions to Ask Your Maryland Roofing Contractor

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The roof is one of the parts of your house most heavily abused by the elements. That’s why at some point roof repair or replacement should be expected by any homeowner. Winter is also not the best time to deal with roof problems, such as leaks or drafts. And in a rush to get it […]

Top 5 Expenses That Affect Basement Remodeling Cost

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According to the Home Advisor, an average cost for basement remodeling is between $19,000 and $26,000. Where does all this money go? Materials and labor are the two high-ticket items, but let our Maryland basement remodeling experts break it down even further. Below are the top basement remodeling expenses you should definitely consider when you […]

6 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Windows

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If you’ve ever lived or worked in a windowless space, you’ve learned to appreciate windows. They add both function and style to your home and last a lifetime. However, sometimes even windows need replacing, and it’s not necessarily due to their age or condition. There are many reasons why you might want to consider installing […]

What Makes a Good Deck?

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When it comes to designing and building a good deck, there are a number of factors affect the end result. Each part is important in its own way and contributes to the overall quality of the final product. Quality Materials The quality of a deck is only as high as that of the materials that […]